Advent of SvelteKit 2022

Select items to compare


Source code


<script lang="ts">
	import type { PageData } from './$types';
	import type { Product } from '$lib/types';
	import { page } from '$app/stores';
	import { browser } from '$app/environment';
	import ProductSelect from './ProductSelect.svelte';
	import Comparison from './Comparison.svelte';

	export let data: PageData;

	$: products = data.products;

	// populate items from query params, when available
	let selectedId1 = $page.url.searchParams.get('item1');
	let selectedId2 = $page.url.searchParams.get('item2');
	let item1: Product | undefined = data.products.find((p) => === selectedId1),
		item2: Product | undefined = data.products.find((p) => === selectedId2);

<h1>Select items to compare</h1>

<form class="flow" on:submit|preventDefault>
	<ProductSelect id="i1" {products} bind:value={item1} name="item1">
		<svelte:fragment slot="label">Item 1</svelte:fragment>
	<ProductSelect id="i2" {products} bind:value={item2} name="item2">
		<svelte:fragment slot="label">Item 2</svelte:fragment>
	{#if !browser}
		<!-- For progressive enhancement, the form does not submit on enter when focusing a select 
        So we need an actual submit input. Hide it when JS is enabled (which unfortunately causes a layout shift)-->
		<input type="submit" />

{#if item1 && item2}
	{#if ===}
		<p>These are the same items</p>
		<Comparison {item1} {item2} />

	input {
		display: block;


import type { PageLoad } from './$types';
import type { ProductsResult } from '$lib/types';

export const load: PageLoad = async () => {
	const result: ProductsResult = await fetch('').then((res) =>
	return { ...result };


<script lang="ts">
	import type { Product } from '$lib/types';

	export let item1: Product;
	export let item2: Product;

	let cheap: Product, expensive: Product;
	$: {
		if (item1.price < item2.price) {
			cheap = item1;
			expensive = item2;
		} else {
			cheap = item2;
			expensive = item1;

	$: multiplier = Math.floor(expensive.price / cheap.price);

	You can get <strong>{multiplier}x</strong> <em>{cheap.title}</em> for about the same price as a


<script lang="ts">
	import type { Product } from '$lib/types';

	export let id: string;
	export let products: Product[];
	export let value: Product | undefined = undefined;
	export let name: string;

	let selectedId: number = value ? : -1;

	// sync Product with the selected id
	// we bind to the ID since we need to use it like an actual form
	$: value = products.find((p) => === selectedId);

<label for={id}><slot name="label" /></label>
<!-- Needed autocomplete off, otherwise Firefox would mess with the selected option -->
<select {id} bind:value={selectedId} {name} autocomplete="off">
	<option disabled value={-1} selected={selectedId === -1}>Select an item</option>

	{#each products as p}
		<!-- Need the actual selected attribute for SSR -->
		<option value={} selected={ === selectedId}>{p.title} - ${p.price}</option>

	label {
		display: block;

	select {
		--flow-space: 0;
		padding: 0.5rem;
		border: 2px solid var(--gray-7);